25 research outputs found

    El cumplimiento terapéutico en la hipertensión arterial en España, según la opinión de los médicos de familia. Proyecto Cumplex

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    ObjetivoEvaluar los conocimientos de los médicos sobre el cumplimiento farmacológico en general, su actitud ante éste y sus necesidades de formación.DiseñoEstudio descriptivo, transversal, mediante una encuesta.EmplazamientoCentros de atención primaria de España.ParticipantesParticiparon 3.834 médicos.Mediciones principalesDefinición de incumplimiento, incumplimiento observado en su consulta y el resto de España, métodos de medición, causas, asociación con fracaso terapéutico, eficacia y uso de estrategias para mejorarlo, y necesidad de formación.ResultadosEl 95,9% cumplimentó la encuesta. El 92% (intervalo de confianza [IC] del 95%, 91,1-92,9) define como incumplimiento la omisión por el paciente de 5-20% de las tomas. Un 32,4% (IC del 95%, 30,9-33,9) opinó que menos del 10% sería incumplidor, mientras que un 6,8% (IC del 95%, 6,0-7,6) opinaba que la tasa de incumplimiento en España era inferior al 10%. Los métodos de medición más usados son la respuesta del paciente (77,0%; IC del 9%, 75,7-78,4) y la propia experiencia (76,0%; IC del 95%, 74,6-77,4). El 50,7% cree que el incumplimiento está asociado con el fracaso terapéutico en más del 50%.La presencia de efectos adversos fue considerada una causa muy importante en el mayor porcentaje (81,9%). Las estrategias consideradas más eficaces y utilizadas son: empleo de fármacos en monodosis (84,3%; IC del 95, 83,1-85,5) y consulta de enfermería (84,9%; IC del 95%, 83,8-86,0). El 65,2% (IC del 95%, 63,7-66,7) no ha recibido formación durante la carrera y un 42% (IC del 95%; 40,4-43,6) considera necesario realizar alguna actividad formativa.ConclusionesUn alto porcentaje de medicos utiliza una definición incorrecta de cumplimiento y cree que otros medicos tienen más pacientes incumplidores. Se utilizan preferentemente métodos de medición no validados y se observa un déficit de formación.ObjectivesTo evaluate physicians’ knowledge of therapy compliance, their attitudes towards it and their training needs in this field.DesignTransversal, descriptive study using a questionnaire.SettingPrimary care centres in Spain.ParticipantsThree thousand and trirty four general practitioners.Main measurementsDefinition of non-compliance, non-compliance in their own consultations and in the rest of Spain, methods of measurement, causes, association with therapy failure, efficacy and use of compliance-enhancing strategies, and need for training.ResultsMost participants (92%; 95% CI, 91.1-92.9) defined non-compliance as patients’ failure to take 5%-20% of their pills. A total of 32.4% (95% CI, 30.9%-33.9%) of the physicians estimated that less than 10% of their patients were non-compliers, whereas 6.8% (95% CI, 6.0-7.6) thought this was also the rate in the rest of Spain. The preferred methods of measurement were patient response (77.0%; 75.7-78.4) and their own clinical experience (76.0%; 74.6-77.4). About half (50.7%) believed that lack of compliance was associated with therapy failure in more than 50% of cases. The presence of adverse side-effects was considered a very important cause of poor compliance by 81.9%. The most common and effective strategies were: use of single-dose drugs (84.3%; 83.1-85.5) and nursing support (84.9%; 83.8-86.0).Moreover, 65.2% (63.7-66.7) of the surveyed physicians had not received any education about compliance as medical students and 42% (40.4-43.6) said further training in compliance was needed.ConclusionsA high percentage of physicians define compliance incorrectly and believe that other doctors have more non-complying patients than they do. They tend to favour non-validated measuring methods and they lack training

    Medication Non-Adherence in Rheumatology, Oncology and Cardiology: A Review of the Literature of Risk Factors and Potential Interventions

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    Medication adherence is directly associated with health outcomes. Adherence has been reviewed extensively; however, most studies provide a narrow scope of the problem, covering a specific disease or treatment. This project’s objective was to identify risk factors for non-adherence in the fields of rheumatology, oncology, and cardiology as well as potential interventions to improve adherence and their association with the risk factors. The project was developed in three phases and carried out by a Steering Committee made up of experts from the fields of rheumatology, oncology, cardiology, general medicine, and hospital and community pharmacy. In phase 1, a bibliographic review was performed, and the articles/reviews were classified according to the authors’ level of confidence in the results and their clinical relevance. In phase 2, 20 risk factors for non-adherence were identified from these articles/reviews and agreed upon in Steering Committee meetings. In phase 3, potential interventions for improving adherence were also identified and agreed upon. The results obtained show that adherence is a dynamic concept that can change throughout the course of the disease, the treatments, and other factors. Educational interventions are the most studied ones and have the highest level of confidence in the authors’ opinion. Information and education are essential to improve adherence in all patients

    Intervención no farmacológica como estrategia para favorecer el control de la hipertensión arterial y mejorar el cumplimiento antihipertensivo

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    ResumenObjetivoComprobar la eficacia de una intervención mediante una revista educacional en el cumplimiento antihipertensivo de la hipertensión arterial (HTA) no controlada.DiseñoEstudio clínico controlado, aleatorizado y multicéntrico.EmplazamientoOchenta y siete Centros de Salud de España.ParticipantesSe incluyeron 450 pacientes hipertensos diagnosticados de HTA no controlada.IntervenciónSe formaron 2 grupos con 225 individuos: a) grupo de intervención (GI), los que recibieron una revista educacional domiciliaria bimensual y b) grupo de control (GC), que tuvieron práctica clínica habitual.Mediciones principalesEl cumplimiento se midió mediante monitores electrónicos (MEMS-Aardex). Se calculó el porcentaje de cumplimiento, el porcentaje de cumplidores del total de dosis y de días en los que tomaba una dosis y el NNT (number needed to treat 'número de pacientes que es necesario tratar'). Se definió cumplidor un consumo del 80 al 110%. Se calculó la presión arterial media y los porcentajes de los controlados.ResultadosConcluyeron 393 individuos (edad: 62,4 años [desviación estándar de 11,6 años]), 196 pacientes del GI y 197 pacientes del GC. Ciento ochenta y cuatro eran varones (46,8%).Fueron cumplidores del total de las dosis tomadas el 83,2% en el GI (del 78 al 88,4%) y el 49,2% del GC (IC del 95%: del 42,2 al 56,2%) (p=0,0001) y fueron cumplidores diarios el 74% del GI (IC del 95%: del 67,9 al 80,1%) y el 42,6% del GC (IC del 95%: del 35,7 al 49,5%) (p=0,0001).El control de la HTA fue del 81,6% en el GI (IC del 95%: del 76,2 al 86,5%) y del 56,3% en el GC (IC del 95%: del 49,4 al 63,2%). El NNT con la intervención fue de 3,3 pacientes.ConclusionesEl incumplimiento del tratamiento fue muy alto. La revista educacional es una estrategia eficaz para disminuir el incumplimiento y mejorar el grado de control de la HTA.AbstractObjetiveTo evaluate the efficacy of an intervention by means of an educational magazine on treatment compliance in uncontrolled arterial hypertension (AHT).DesignControlled, randomised clinical trial.Setting87 primary care centres. Spain.ParticipantsA total of 450 patients with uncontrolled hypertension were included.InterventionTwo groups of 225 patients were formed: 1) Control group (CG): standard health intervention; 2) Intervention Group (IG): received a twice monthly educational magazine at home.Main measurementsCompliance was measured using the Medication Event Monitoring System (MEMS-Aardex). Compliance rate (CR) was recorded. Compliers were defined as individuals with a treatment compliance of 80–110%. The percentage of compliers, the mean percentage of doses taken and the percentage of patients taking the medication at the correct times were estimated. The mean blood pressures (BPs) and the percentage of controlled patientswere calculated. The number needed to treat (NNT) was calculated.ResultsA total of 393 individuals were evaluable (Age: 62.4 years), 196 in the IG and 197 in the CG. There were 83.2% (95% CI 78–88.4) and 49.2% (95% CI 42.2–56.2) (P=0.0001) of overall compliers in the IG and CG, respectively and 74% (95% CI: 67.9–80.1) and 42.6% (95% CI=35.7–49.5) (P=0.0001) of correct times compliers. A total of 81.6% (95% CI=76.2–86.5%)) were controlled in the IG and 56.3% (95% CI=49.4–63.2) in the CG. The NNT was 3.3 patients.ConclusionsTherapeutic non-compliance was very high. The educational magazine is an effective strategy to improve the compliance and degree of control of the AHT

    Clinical inertia in poorly controlled elderly hypertensive patients: a cross-sectional study in Spanish physicians to ascertain reasons for not intensifying treatment

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    Background Clinical inertia, the failure of physicians to initiate or intensify therapy when indicated, is a major problem in the management of hypertension and may be more prevalent in elderly patients. Overcoming clinical inertia requires understanding its causes and evaluating certain factors, particularly those related to physicians. Objective The objective of our study was to determine the rate of clinical inertia and the physician-reported rea- sons for it. Conclusion Physicians provided reasons for not intensi- fying treatment in poorly controlled patients in only 30 % of instances. Main reasons for not intensifying treatment were borderline BP values, co-morbidity, suspected white coat effect, or perceived difficulty achieving target. nJCI was associated with high borderline BP values and car- diovascular diseas

    Análisis de la influencia del cumplimiento terapéutico farmacológico, en las presiones arteriales y en el grado de control de la hta esencial leve-moderada, mediante monitorización ambulatoria de la presión arterial

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    OBJETIVOS.Analizar la influencia del cumplimiento terapéutico farmacológico en las presiones arteriales y en el grado de control de la HTA esencial leve-moderada mediante monitorización ambulatoria de la presión arterial (MAPA). AMBITO. Atención Primaria. Centro de Salud La Orden de Huelva. DISEÑO. Estudio prospectivo de 11 meses, con un seguimiento de 8 semanas. PACIENTES. Se incluyeron 106 pacientes con HTA fase I y II diagnosticada de novo o conocida y no controlada, sin tratamiento. Se incluyeron aquellos con MAPA patológica. Se realizó MAPA inicial y a las 8 semanas(Spacelabas 90207) y dos visitas domiciliarias con mediación de la PA y recuento de comprimidos a las 4 y 8 semanas. Se calculó el tanto por ciento de cumplimiento (PC) final. Se consideró hipertenso controlado aquel cuyas PAS y PAD medias finales por mediación ambulatoria diurna era 90. Se analizaron las PA medias clinicas y ambulatorias, el grado de control clínico y ambulatorio y el indice de variabilidad (IV) de la PA